The following ingredients will make 2 litters of sorrel drink.
- 1lb Sorrel Sepals
- 1″ of Ginger
- 5 tbsp Sugar
- 2 liters of water
(1) Add grated ginger to sorrel sepals then pour 2 litters of water into the pot and bring to rapid boil. While boiling, add your optionals ingredients to the mixture to personalize your sorrel drink if desired.
(2) Allow your sorrel to boil for at lease 15mins, then remove from heat and cover to lock in the flavor.
(3) Allow the sorrel mixture to cool off then use a fine strainer to separate the sorrel juice from the sorrel sepals.
(4) At this point stir the sugar into the strained sorrel juice.
Of course every thing taste better with a little Bacardi rum!
The sorrel juice is know to be high in vitamin C. Locals claim to use it as an antiseptic, prevents diarrhea and scurvy (of course!). But don't take excessive doses because some side effects include:
(1) gastroenteritis, (2) jaw tightness, (3) skin rash, (4) brain damage, (5) kidney damage, (6) heart damage, (7) liver damage
The literature is not in agreement about the toxicity because what makes it toxic is oxalic acid which give the leaves and flowers a sour taste. Oxalic acid, however, is also present in more commonly consumed foods such as spinach, broccoli, brussel sprouts, grapefruit, chives, and rhubarb, among many others.
Anyway, caution to the wind! Bottoms up.